How Long Does It Take A New Born Foal To Walk?
The truth is that a New born foal is completely different from a human baby in that a healthy foal will be standing and attempting to walk around within the first hour after its birth!
Pretty amazing, but necessary when you think of the horse’s genetic design; the horse has developed over millions of years to be a plains grazer, with almost 360 degree vision, and the speed to outrun predators. Therefore, if the horse and its young are to survive in their habitat, the young foal must be up and about within the hour, so that mother and foal can remain among the safety of the herd.

Nowadays Most Mares Will Foal in a Stable
Nowadays, most mares at stud or at home will foal in a foaling box, under the scrutiny of a watchful eye or CCTV. This is to ensure that if a mare encounters any difficulties during their labour, the owner or stud groom will be able to assist if necessary, and call for vet if the need arises.

The New born foal, will be cleaned by their mother, and will start to stand within an hour after foaling. The next big step for the foal is to take his first feed from the mare. This is a very important to the foal’s immunity; the Colostrum or Mare’s first milk will have all the necessary antibodies to jump start the foal’s immunity, and it is vital to the foal’s health that he feed within 2 hours after birth. The foal will develop the suck reflex within about 30 minutes of birth, so as soon as the foal is able to stand they should be encouraged to feed.
The Colostrum or Mare’s first milk will have all the necessary antibodies to jump start the foal’s immunity, and it is vital to the foal’s health that he feed within 2 hours after birth.
Milestones For A Healthy Foal.
Healthy foals will generally feed about every 30 minutes or so. Nursing is the best way for the foal to get their digestive tract working correctly, for the next important milestone which is the passing of the meconium, the first Faeces or Pooh, this occurs within 3 hours after birth.
Generally all of these milestones go according to plan, and you will be able to enjoy watching your foal have his first trot around the paddock on his first trip to the outside world.

If you are new to breeding it is best to get an expert to help you if you intend to foal your mare at home, alternatively send your mare to stud for foaling to ensure that she gets all the care she needs.
This Article was originally published in the April 2021 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine.