Wise Owl Equitation A Clever Start Up.
Well although the Covid Pandemic has halted many of our most enjoyable exploits in their tracks, it has given people time to stop and reflect. I believe that when people have a little time on their hands it can be used to drive Innovation. That is just what happened to Kerry Entrepreneur Elaine Kelly. After the birth of her daughter and coming to the end of maternity leave, she thought, “Why don’t I start my own business?” Well that’s just what Elaine did and with true business flair, she saw a need and decided to fill it, in a way that the Covid Pandemic would not stop her business from growing. In fact quite the opposite; utilising today’s technology in the middle of a worldwide lockdown, Wise Owl Equitation was just what the Equestrian Community and the Pandemic Ordered. This clever Start Up brings together top class trainers from around the Globe offering training starved Equestrians the chance to have a lesson with a top level Coach right in their ear telling them what to do, quite literally!

Elaine’s Background & Horses
Hailing from Killarney, Co. Kerry, Elaine came from a farming background. She managed to persuade her parents to get her some lessons to give her the basics, but once she got her own pony, that was that, she only got to ride on her own farm. “Unfortunately, I didn’t get any lessons once I got my pony. I was left to my own devices, just riding around the farm and hunting a bit locally during my teens. Looking back I would have absolutely loved this type of service when I was growing up. It would have given me the chance to develop my skills and perhaps compete.”
Moving to the UK & Reigniting a Passion for Horses.
Elaine Moved to the UK in 2007 for work, and after a while she started to follow her passion once more getting lessons etc. She remembers “I have found the UK to be so different to Ireland, in that there were so many Riding Centres and Livery Yards within 15 minutes of my home, which made it much easier for me to take up riding again, which I did. Eventually I got my first horse, a Traditional Irish Sport Horse, called April, which I bought in 2015. I have enjoyed lots of lessons and low level competition and Eventing. I call myself an Ambitious Amateur, but I have personally seen the benefits that regular training can do for a rider.”

The New Edition that Sparked an Idea.
Then after the birth of her child, Elaine was really keen to take up Side Saddle, however, the nearest trainer was a 3 hour round trip. With a young child, she found this was just not possible for her anymore.
Elaine began to think of a way to get the training she needed while staying in her own yard. As she was coming to the end of her Maternity Leave, the timing seemed right to start her own business and become her own boss, she shared, “I really wanted to work on the type of service that offered riders lessons by connecting them with top class trainers virtually, through an online platform.”
Elaine went to work reaching out to a list of qualified trainers from around the Globe, and was pleasantly surprised by the uptake and the quality of trainer that came on board, she said;
“Perhaps, the pandemic, left trainers looking for a solution to connect with new clients and maintain their income, and Wise Owl Equitation provided that solution, while still allowing trainers to set their own pricing and work to their own schedule etc.”
So How Does the Service Work?

Method 1.
Elaine explains; “There are 2 ways that the service works for the Equestrian. Method One and I believe the best way is a Live Video Lesson. This is dependent on a fairly good internet connection. All you need is a mobile phone to take the video and a blue tooth headset for the rider to wear, along with a friend to take the video. From the feedback of riders that have chosen this method, it has gone extremely well and they have found that there was much more engagement between them and their coach during the session. This allowed them to make adjustments to their riding more quickly and efficiently. In fact very recently we had 2 riders who took live video lessons prior to competition, one in Side Saddle and the other in Dressage, both riders had extremely successful shows, the Side Saddle Rider came 2nd in her class and the Dressage Rider came 1st and 2nd in her classes, both riders said that the last minute sessions greatly contributed to their success.
Method 2.
Method Two is to take a video and upload it to the Wise Owl Equitation website for review by your chosen coach. The Video can be up to 20 minutes long, and we always recommend that the rider send the video on to a friend or relative via WhatsApp as this automatically reduces the size of the file and makes it much easier to upload to the site. Normally when the coach receives and downloads the video, they will give their feedback which may be written, or voice over video, this depends on what the coach is most comfortable with. This method is more suited to riders that live where there is a poor internet connection, but still gives them a great opportunity to get help with their riding from reputable coaches on a regular basis.”
Coaches that are Currently Available through Wise Owl Equitation.

Currently there are over 30 top coaches to choose from, in disciplines from Dressage to Showing, Side Saddle to Showjumping and Eventing. These Coaches are based in the UK, Ireland and Europe, along with the USA and Canada, giving riders plenty of choice for their favourite discipline.
Prices Vary with each individual coach, just select the coach you would like to work with on the Wise Owl Equitation website to discover more. Live Video Lessons take about 45 minutes and run very similar to a normal face to face lesson. While Video uploads, the video length is up to a maximum of 20 minutes. In general the Video Upload option costs a little less than a live video lesson.
What is the Plan for the Future of Wise Owl Equitation.
Elaine’s plan for Wise Own Equitation is to be able to deliver the service to more countries, starting in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand to name a few. The company also plans to seek out multi lingual Coaches for Areas such as South America and possibly China, as these countries are very open to training from European Coaches.
What Next
Well if you find yourself strapped for time, or just unable to travel for lessons for various reasons, but you are eager for a Lesson on your horse. Get online drop over to Wise Owl Equitation, pick your Coach and take the first step toward your new training plan, and hopefully we will see you taking home that Red Ribbon in the near future.
To find out more check out www.wiseowlequitation.com
Some Testimonials from Happy Wise Owl Customers.
“You have no idea how much confidence that lesson has given me, I really didn’t think a video lesson could possible work as well as it did. My riding was so much better at the show as a result”
Robyn Catterall Side Saddle Rider (She placed 2nd at that show)
“I can’t believe the difference in my riding after just one lesson. Key elements of the lesson that stood out to me where – Direct and clear instructions – Very friendly – The lesson wasn’t rushed at all I can confidently say I learned more in 45 minutes than in the last year of training.”
Naomi Wiss – Showjumper
This Interview was originally published in the June 2021 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine, All Pictures are the property of Wise Owl Equitation and were provide by the company for this Interview.