The amazing story of Harry De Leyer and his horse Snowman, is a remarkable one and tells how one man saved a horse from the Slaughter House and that horse took him all the way to Stardom!
The Story Begins In Holland
The story begins with a Young Man Harry De Leyer, who lived on a farm in Holland, and began his riding career at a very young age. However, in May of 1940 the Nazis invaded Holland which lead to very tough times for Harry and his family during World War 2. The De Leyer Family intent on doing their part joined the Dutch Resistance and were instrumental in hiding and helping many of the Jewish to escape.

Moving To the USA
Following the War in 1950 Harry and his wife moved to North Carolina, where he had gained employment on a Tobacco Farm. He was still very much a horse lover and used to ride the Farm Horses for Fun whenever he got time. On one occasion Harry entered a local competition and won the Top Prize, which lead to him being talent spotted by Mickey Walsh a renowned horse trainer. This chance encounter eventually led to Harry being employed in 1954 as the Riding Instructor by a prestigious Private Girls School, situated in Long Island New York.
When Harry Met Snowman!
However Harry and his horse of a lifetime didn’t meet until 1956, when he attended a horse auction in New Holland, looking to buy some school horses on which he could train his students. Car trouble meant he arrived at the auction late, and the only animals left for purchase were those on a truck bound for the Slaughter House.
Harry recalled that a heavy set Grey Horse caught his attention, and when he looked in the horse’s eye, he knew that there was something in the horse. He bought the then 8 year old gelding for just $80 and headed for home.
On his return home it was snowing, and when he arrived Harry asked his young daughter to name the horse, the horse looked white and it was snowing so Snowman was the name given to the gentle giant.
Harry Sells Snowman?
Harry began working on the horse, and he was very quiet and good with the children, however, Harry needed money to care for his growing family, and decided to sell Snowman to a Doctor he knew that had a farm a few miles away.
On his arrival in his new home Snowman was not happy, so he jumped out of his paddock and this clever steed made his way back to Harry and his Family, who lived several miles away! Thinking it was some kind of fluke, Harry returned the horse to the Doctor the very next day.
This was to no avail, as yet again the following day, Snowman was back in Harry’s yard, this time dragging the tether to which he had been tied, behind him. The Doctor told Harry that he had witnessed the horse jump many fences over 5 feet in height on his mission to escape. Harry gave his friend the Doctor his money back, as Snowman had decided that he was now a member of the De Leyer household. (Check out the Trailer Below of the 1916 Documentary about Harry & Snowman. YouTube Clip – from the Channel Movieclips Indie.)
Harry & Snowman Jump to Success!
Harry then went to work on Snowman’s jumping and to his surprise the Horse seemed to excel as the fences got bigger. Both Harry and Snowman achieved Huge Success on the Showjumping circuit in the USA, winning United States Open Jumper Champion in 1958 and 1959. The pair also performed for crowds jumping high jumps and jumping over horses, even appearing on Television shows.
Snowman was a gentle giant and a very special horse in the De Leyer Family. He was included in the United States Showjumping Hall of Fame in 1992.
Harry cherished his Snowman until the end of his days, when the wonderful horse had to be put to sleep in 1974 due to Kidney Problems. De Leyer and his incredible horse were the subject of many books and there was a wonderful Documentary “Harry & Snowman” which aired in 2016, detailing their success together, including some of the original footage of the pair in action, check out the YouTube Video above. A lovely tale indeed and one that illustrates, that Champions Can Be Found Anywhere.
This Article was originally published in the April 2021 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine.