There are some fair weather riders out there, who enjoy horses while still looking fab, but true Die Hard Equestrians, we believe, are born with that Special Equestrian Gene!
You know the type, the Equestrian, who Skips Meals so their horse has the latest supplement; the type of person who kicks on with Bronchial Pneumonia, while the Vet is called at the first sign of a sniffle from their horse. These 10 Reasons are for You, my fellow Amigos enjoy;-)
You know you are a Die Hard Equestrian when;

- You only get excited about Pedicures, because your version of them means the farrier will arrive on time this month and your won’t have to miss the show.
2. You horse gets new shoes at the drop of a hat, while your yard boots have been leaking, like forever, and the plastic bag trick no longer works. Is there anything worse than having to work in soggy socks.

3. A Lie in is when your partner/spouse said they will feed the horses on a Monday so you can get to sleep in until 8 am, but the control freak in you takes over and you go out to double check they have followed your instructions; because heaven knows where you could end up if Rambo the Cob, gets one oat too many;-)

4. Despite your horse or horses being primped and polished to within an inch of their lives, your idea of a hair do, involves dragging back your locks into a make shift bun, throwing a hay net on, sorry, hair net on and covering up the lot with your riding hat, as this is the best way that you know to hide your roots. Alternatively, the faithful Baseball cap that hides so much when you are heading in for those results at the shows.

5. Your horse is decked out from Head to Toe in Brand Spanking New Top Class Rugs, only the best for little Rambo the Cob;-) while you have to wait for Aldi or Lidl to have their Equestrian Specials week.

6. A Spa Day, means regular Checks for your Horse from the Chiropractor and the Physio, just to make sure the he is comfortable and supple, while you chow down on Neurophen so you can remain upright and functional.
7. Date Night for you means taking the young horses down for a pop around the local Friday Evening Clear Round Jumping.

8. The only Clinic you attend is for Showjumping, Eventing or Dressage, to ensure your riding remains up to scratch for Your Wonder Horse.
9. You get excited by the smell of fresh leather only because it reminds you of the new state of the art, leather riding boots you have been saving for. Just one more month without dinner and they are yours!

10. You fall into bed every evening, exhausted, exhilarated, and smiling because you get to live your dream life every day, then you quickly nod off, before the dog on the end of your bed keeps you awake with their snoring.

Hats off to all you Die Hard Equestrians out there, know you are not alone, there are many of us out there, living, breathing, and sleeping our horses, and enjoying every minute, and one last piece of advice, Kick On!
If you liked this Article, why not check out our 50 of the Best Horse Names We Could Think of;-)