As equestrians we are all about maintaining the well being and health of our horses. Following the amazing results I personally experienced when I had my horse treated by a Chiropractor more than 30 years ago, I subsequently trained to be a Chiropractor for both Humans and Horses, while also qualifying as a massage therapist. My journey into the healing modalities has lead me to discover so many amazing methods, some of which are perfect for use by every single equestrian who wants to improve their horse. The Tellington TTouch system is one such system. This method can be dipped into as a tool to relax and distress your horse; however, if you have a thirst for knowledge the Tellington System can offer training solutions along with health benefits to help a multitude of horse phobias and problems.

I first saw this treatment method at College around 2002 when Sarah Fisher from Tilley Farm came to do a lecture demonstration; I found it fascinating. She worked on quite a highly strung, Liver Chestnut Mare. To top it off, it was a very windy day out, which meant that the mare pranced into the area for the Lecture Demo, head high, and tail in the air. Sarahworked quietly on the mare, while answering questions, she used TTEAM and TTouch, and slowly but surely the mare began to lower her head and relax. At one stage during one of the TTouches the mare released milk spontaneously, despite not being pregnant or having a foal at foot! Sarah, had never experienced that before, but explained that as the treatment influences the nervous system, horses can have varied reactions as their body relaxes. Let’s discover more about what this gentle system has to offer, and why it makes a sensible choice for your equestrian toolbox.
What is TTEAM?

The word TTEAM stands for Tellington Touch Equine Awareness Method. This method aims to improve the general wellbeing of your horse, working on his mind, body and spirit. TTEAM was developed by Linda Tellington Jones during the 1970’s. Linda had a background in massage and physical therapy and had been using these methods on horses to improve their performance and to promote recovery post competition.
Linda had also spent considerable time studying the Feldenkrais Method for Humans; this is a method that uses gentle touch and body movements to improve flexibility and reduce pain among other benefits. She believed that this type of treatment could be developed for use on horses. Linda hailing from a classical riding background along with her equestrian body work experience developed the method known as TTEAM. This method uses non habitual and non threatening movements and a series of ground work exercises and it has been shown to improve the horse’s behaviour, reduce stress, improve balance and coordination and build a better rapport between the trainer and the horse.
What is TTouch?
A few years after developing TTEAM, Linda found that she wanted to add to the treatment, her interest in Equine Massage lead her to develop the TTouch. These gentle circular touches are said to have a positive effect on the horse’s nervous system; they promote relaxation, aid in the reduction of stress and promote better cellular function while also enhancing communication between the horse and practitioner. There are various types of TTouches all with specific functions; the TTouches vary from using just two fingers to using the whole hand. There are varying pressures used and the practitioner is constantly monitoring the horse for clues to areas if pain or tens
Some of the Benefits of TTEAM and TTouch.
As previously mentioned the benefits of this gentle system are huge. It develops trust and rapport between the handler and the horse. It promotes relaxation in the horse and has been shown to significantly reduce stress especially for veterinary situations.
The ground work exercises are excellent for developing balance and confidence in the horse, while also being helpful in allowing the horse to overcome fears and phobias.
The TTouches are wonderful for relaxation and there are a variety of touches that can be used for problems from improving horses that are nervous, to reducing pain, releasing muscle tension, improving flexibility and stride to improving and circulation. There are TTouches for the mouth that directly affects the horse’s Limbic System, which is the brains emotional centre, giving the handler the ability to improve the horse’s learning capabilities.
How to Perform the Basic TTouch.
Linda recommends that prior to beginning the TTouch, that your run your hands over your horses body, while monitoring their response to touch, look for signs the horse maybe sore or uncomfortable. Any areas of discomfort will be areas that you will return to later to work on.
Begin slowly, so that your horse gets used to what you are doing, at first they may be a little tense and suspicious, so it is a good idea to have a friend to hold your horse as you perform the movements.
Starting with the basic TTouch begin on the left side of the horse, start on the neck along the top line of the horse. The position of your hand should be with your fingers slightly cupped and close together, start by imagining a round coin about the size of a 2 euro piece.

Make contact with your horse with your left hand and then using your right hand with the fingers cupped as described, trace the coin shape on your horse’s body, starting at six o’clock and making a circle and a quarter before you move your hand to the next spot. The touch should be very gentle, you are literally only moving the skin. Linda suggests that you don’t remove your fingers completely, but rather slide them to the area of the next circle keeping about 2 inches between each circular movement.
We have included a diagram that shows you where to start, and this will give you a feel for this wonderful system. If your horse does not accept the touch initially, it is suggested that you try different pressures, go lighter, if that doesn’t work go a little firmer. Alternatively if your horse is still not relaxing, Linda suggests that you can make the circles quickly, in an effort to hold their attention, then as they relax you can slow down to about 2 to 3 seconds per circular movement, releasing slowly as you slide your fingers to the next position.

TTEAM and TTouch is a wonderful system to improve your horse’s wellbeing, promote relaxation and confidence, while also building a stronger bond between you and your horse. Try the simple exercise described above and see how it works for you. If you are a little nervous about starting on your horse, practice the circles on your own arm first. Remember, it will take time for you both to get used to it, so give it a chance, and I am confident that your efforts will be rewarded with a Happier Horse. This article is only intended to inform you of this great Equestrian Tool and if you think that you are interested to discover more about the system the best way is via the Tellington Website here, where there are a plethora of books and courses for you to choose from.
References Improve Your Horse’s Well-Being – A Step-by-Step Guide to TTouch and TTeam Training by Linda Tellington-Jones;;;;
This Article was originally published in the March 2020 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine.
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