In the April Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine, I shared a short article, about Perfect Practice, Makes Perfect when training both you and your horse.
The old saying of “Practice makes Perfect”, I believe is flawed, because if you are doing it wrong during practice, how is that going to bring you to Excellence? The simple answer is, that it is not! The only way to improve your horse and yourself during training is be as perfect in practice as you possibly can be.
This may mean that you have to plan better, have a weekly, monthly, 6 monthly plan etc for your training goals for both you and your horse. Get the best coaching you can afford, and put time limits on your goals.
Goals can be simple, such as I want to ride my first dressage test with my new horse in six weeks. You can break this down into a daily and weekly plan until show day, aiming to include as much perfect practice as possible, without blowing your mind or your horse’s.
Check out our article on Perfect Practice Here>>
To your Equestrian Success