As an Equine Chiropractor, I am often asked by clients for Supplements that will improve the health of their horse. With the Summer Season looming, I thought I would share with you my Top 5 Supplements to improve Your Horse’s Health.
I have personally used the following and I cannot recommend them enough and although there are more that I have used, these are in my Top 5 that I would recommend time and again.

Number 1. – Immunall
You may have heard of Immunall prior to this, but if this is your first time to come across it, you have found a golden nugget to add to your Equestrian Tool Kit.
Immunall is completely Herbal, and it apparently works by getting the horse’s body to function in a more efficient way. It is said that it does this by promoting better cell communication along with the efficient removal of waste products. This in turn, leaves the animal’s body in a much healthier position when it comes to fighting external pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses.
Immunall can be fed to the horses both internally and used as a spray in wound healing externally. I have found it works wonderfully well as a pick me up after a horse has suffered from a set back, either through illness or injury.
I have also had super results with it when I wanted to boost my horse’s immune system when they felt a little run down. Be careful though, a couple of weeks on Immunall, can be a bit like Rocket Fuel and I have found that it quite literally has my horses jumping for joy, or bucking with joy;-) in no time at all.
When it was used for extensive injury, even though it was on an aged animal, the accelerated healing that we managed was nothing short of miraculous. I have personally found Immunall to be the Real Deal when it comes to boosting your animal’s Immunity. Like all things that work well it is not too cheap, but it works. If you would like to find out more about Immunall and how it works, check out the company’s website –

Number 2. – After Ace.
Again After Ace may be something that you have come across as an equestrian in the past. It helps promote healthy joints in the horse, by reducing the build-up of acid in the horses system, by promoting the efficient removal of wastes and toxins via the kidneys and urinary tract.
I first came across After Ace in probably 2006, I suggested to a client who was having some early arthritic issues with her horse, that she put him on a joint supplement. I heard that After Ace was good, and that it was completely Herbal, which is what she needed as she was competing at the time.
My Client started her horse on After Ace and in under 1 month, any residual irregularity had disappeared. The horse was now regular and happy in his work with her, and she began to have a lot of fun and success at her level of competition.
Following that I not only recommend After Ace to any owner with a horse that I believed to be suffering with an arthritic condition. I also suggested it to owners with horses that were competing at a high level of competition as After Ace would help their horses bodies, especially the muscles and joints to cope with the stresses of top competition. Plus, I have personally used it in conjunction with Immunall in the healing of extensive injury of an older animal.
As I treat dogs as well, I have recommended it owners who have older animals with arthritic conditions, who have found it hugely beneficial.
You can find out more about After Ace at The company is also very helpful in recommending dosage or assistance in how to feed their product.

Number 3. – Kentucky Karron Oil
Kentucky Karron Oil is a High Quality Flax seed oil. It provides your horse with some of the essential Fatty Acids such as the Omega 3 and Omega 6.
This oil, not only improves the animals coat, but it also aids in digestion and the animals circulation. It is also said to help to boost immunity, and Omega 3 is also said to have natural anti-inflammatory properties, along with aiding in the suppression of allergic responses.
I have found that this product not only aids the digestion of the horse, but it also gives the Horse an amazing Coat!
To find out more about Karron Oil check it out on

Number 4 – Relax Me by Horse First
I started using Relax Me around 2006. I had a very spooky, sharp, Cruising Gelding, you know the type who sees Sabre Toothed Butterflies in the bushes!
I had used the likes of Good as Gold in the past and had mixed results. I had heard about Horse First, and they were relatively new to the market. I liked their company ethos, they were also an Irish Start Up, so I wanted to try their products.
Relax Me, contains a combination of Magnesium, Vitamin E and B Vitamins and it is apparently this blend that makes for a more relaxed, calmer horse.
When I started using it, I followed the instructions carefully, I started with the loading dose and I found a difference in my horse in about 1 week. He was still sharp, and while he noticed the ST Butterflies, he no longer did the 180 degree turn, followed by warp speed around the arena. This was wonderful, because now we could work away quietly, without tension affecting our work.
I have recommended it time and again as one of the best Horse Calmers available on the market. To find out more about Relax Me visit the website here

Number 5 – Hoof First by Horse First
I have used Hoof First on a couple of horses over recent years. One was a thoroughbred gelding who had notoriously brittle, flat feet, the other was a WB gelding again with very brittle, flat feet.
Hoof First, contains double the amount of biotin than many other hoof supplements on the market, this coupled with the combination of vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hoof growth, make it a winning formula for your horses feet.
I found that after using it for just one month, you could see the new hoof growth. After six months the animals had a better quality of hoof for the farrier to work with.
I found that in both cases for optimal long lasting results with problem horses, they need to remain on this supplement.
For more information on Hoof First – you can visit the Horse First website –
Well that is my Top 5 Supplements that I have found hugely beneficial to my horses over the years, especially during competition season. (Hopefully we will get there again!)
To Your Equestrian Success
This Article was first published in the April 2019 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine.