Well can you believe it, April 2021, am I the only one who feels that was a quick year? Well the Covid Vaccination Program is underway, while the promise of Summer and a glimpse of Normality seem to be within our grasp. As the Sport Horse Foaling Season is well underway, let’s look to New Beginnings in our Equestrian Community.
As always we have lots of wonderful articles and news for you. With summer on the way we explore Vitamin D, the so called Sunshine Vitamin. However, Sunshine in Ireland can be on the low side, so we ask the question is Your Horse Getting Enough Vitamin D? This article discusses the function of the Sunshine Vitamin, and how you can avoid deficiency in your favourite equine.
This time of Year Foaling is well underway, and we decided to explore the Signs of Foaling in Your Mare for the first time breeder. This gives you the perfect checklist so that you can keep a close eye on your broodmare as the big day approaches.
As April and May is the prime time to attack the weeds on the yard, while also giving the whole place a good spring clean, we reached out to Furlong Equipment Services Ltd, to discover more about the Herbicide Free Weed Control that is sweeping our Emerald Isle. Foamstream Ireland, offers a non toxic weed control option, which is Pet Friendly, and Safe for the Environment. If that wasn’t enough, Foamstream has been shown to need fewer applications throughout the year, to keep your yard Weed Free and Looking Fabulous.
In our Horse Training Section we have two great pieces; our Journalist and Natural Horsemanship trainer Jordan Bastian discusses how to start your horse in a rope halter, detailing the benefits of this simple piece of Equine Equipment. Also in the training section, I discuss loose jumping the young or green horse. Loose jumping is a great way to introduce your horse to jumping, allowing them to learn balance, control and how to use themselves all without the added pressure of a rider on their back. This article will help you get started.
For our Breed Profile this month Jordan takes a look at the Clydesdale Horse, and how this breed has links to our own Irish Draught in the not too distant past. The Clydesdale is more than just a strong guy of the Equine World; this breed is kind and gentle and is known for its wonderful temperament.
This month’s Fun Fact is Foal related, when we look at just how amazing baby horses are with all they can accomplish in their first 24 hours of life!
Staying with the theme of the Wonderful Clydesdale, who is now world renowned as the Budweiser Horse, Jordan takes a look at some of our Favourite Budweiser Clydesdale Commercials of All Time. I have to warn you, if you decide to follow our links to the YouTube Videos get your tissues ready for an Emotional Ride;-)
As always we have our News and Results round up, detailing just how fabulous our Irish International Equestrians have been performing throughout March and Early April. To finish we have our Positive Note, this time we share the Cinderella Story of Harry & Snowman. Snowman was a draught type horse that was bound for the factory, when a young Dutch Immigrant Harry De Leyer, bought him as cheap horse to teach young students to ride. However,
Harry and Snowman accomplished much more than that together, when Snowman became the best Showjumping Horse in America, and is now in the American Showjumping Hall of Fame.
Well that’s all for this time, we hope you enjoy this issue, and as always if you would like us to cover any articles in our upcoming issues, please just drop us a line at support@irishsporthorsemagazine.com
Until Next Time, To Your Equestrian Success,