Irish Sport Horse Magazine #17

Irish Sport Horse Magazine #17

Well here we are again at another St. Patrick’s Day, however things are quite different this year. The recent Coronavirus outbreak has really put a stop to all sporting events around the Globe, including our beloved St. Patricks Parade. I realise that this can really seem like the end of the world, however, I believe it is being done to control the spread of this deadly disease that could really have a severe impact on the Global Population. It is always better to safe than sorry.

Well I hope you are keeping your distance and washing your hands, but at least you are safe reading our Digital Magazine;-) This issue we have some super articles for you, in the Breeding Section, BHSI Jessica Soley, Discusses Foaling from the signs that the mare will exhibit, to delivery and after care. In the Health Section I discuss the Symptoms, Diagnosis of Temporomandibular Joint Pain in horses and some of the treatment options available to you.
Staying in our Horse Health Section we explore the Tellington TTouch System, developed by Linda Tellington Jones, this is a very gentle system that can help develop the partnership between you and your horse, while also offering great overall health benefits.

This month’s Star Interview is with Dressage Rider Kate Dwyer, who has again made History for Ireland, by being the first Irish Dressage Rider to win a 5*Grand Prix Special! Kate was one of the Girls in Green( a name given to our Irish Dressage Team by Louise Parkes), the Irish Dressage Team that helped Ireland to secure it’s First Dressage Team Position for the Tokyo Olympics at the European Championships last year; A huge Historic Event for Irish Dressage. Kate chats to us about her life with horses, her inspirations, horses of a lifetime and plans for the future.

Lastly we have our results round up, documenting just how well our Irish Riders have been doing around the globe over the past month. Unfortunately as of the writing of this piece the FEI has announced that there will be cancellation of all Equestrian Sporting Events around the Globe for the next 4 weeks; this again is being done in an effort to control the spread of the Coronavirus. These are strange times in which we live, but please heed the warnings and stay safe, and use this as a time to stay home with your family and your horses, learning, training, growing, and preparing for when this storm passes, when you and your horse/ horses will have your chance to shine again! Until next time,

To your Equestrian Success,

Roma Burke DC AMC MMAA
Editor of Irish Sport Horse Magazine

PS – To Stay Up to Date with our Latest News, Articles, Equestrian Interviews and Videos, Subscribe to the Irish Sport Horse Magazine Monthly Newsletter Today>>

Roma Bourke DC AMC MMAA

Roma Bourke is a Human & Equine Chiropractor & Deep Tissue Sports Massage Therapist, who started Irish Sport Horse Magazine, along with some Good Equestrian Friends. The Magazine & Website share, News, Tips and Interviews with some of Your Favourite Equestrian Athletes. Our hope is that by sharing Equestrian Knowledge and Great Stories that we will Inspire Young Equestrians to "Shoot for the Moon!, Because Even if You Miss, You'll Land Among the Stars!" Les Brown

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