Equine Tendon Rehabilitation has been the torment of many an Equestrian. You find your special horse, you are on the ladder to success and Bam, out of nowhere your horse injures a tendon. In days gone by this could have put an end to your horse’s competition career.
However, times are changing and Equine Tendon Rehabilitation has at last moved on. In the March Issue of Irish Sport Horse magazine, we caught up with Vet Henk Offereins DVM, MVSc, MRCVS . Henk who is the director of equinetendon.com, and he witnesses many Tendon Injuries from all over the World on a Weekly basis. By using his state of the art Diagnostic Equipment and Tendon Rehabilitation devices, Henk is finding that in a majority of the cases he sees, that the likelihood of the horse returning to full competitive work is significantly increased using his methods.
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