Well as always we like to share a positive Equine related story with our readers on a regular basis. This time we are delighted to share the wonderful tale of Endo the Blind Horse. It is fair to say that it always amazes me how much trust we can develop with a horse, a prey animal that we as humans connect with for work, pleasure and competition. Even with one of our healthy 4 legged equines, we have to develop and earn their trust in order to accomplish even the simplest of tasks. What happens when the horse has a severe disability? Can they learn to trust again, so that they can lead a full life? Well read on my Equestrian Friend to see how Morgan Wagner and her Horse Endo had to do just that.

Endo’s Illness.
Endo an Appaloosa gelding in Oregon, USA, with the help of his owner Morgan had to learn how to live again. Unfortunately Endo had a problem with his eyes and developed repeated infections due to Uveitis, it is thought to be an autoimmune disease that is linked to genetics and environmental factors. For Endo that disease became severe when he was just 8 years old, and following an operation to remove one of his eyes, Endo and his owner Morgan, continued on with their work undeterred.
Endo Has His Second Eye Removed & Liberty Work Helped Him To Regain Balance.
However, Endo’s other eye became gradually worse, and he had to eventually undergo another surgery to remove the second eye. His owner said that once Endo lost the second eye, this adversely affected his balance, which drove her to work with him in Liberty to train him how to use his body efficiently and to regain his balance once more. Morgan worked hard in the beginning to teach Endo voice commands in place of what used to be visual ques.
Endo & Morgan Have A New Beginning.
Thanks to Morgan positive training methods, Endo now understands about 50 to 60 words, and works completely off Morgan’s Voice without the need of a lead line. Today Morgan and Endo go for rides together and even jump small fences, and often showcase their wonderful connection across Equestrian Events in the USA.
Morgan and Endo really work to inspire Equestrians to build a better connection with their horse, as she puts it herself.
“I want to inspire people to go out and play with their horse, not just riding around in a circle, but building that relationship, because the horses like being with you.”
Morgan Wagner
There is certainly a lot of truth in that, especially when you see what Morgan and Endo have accomplished! A horse that is completely blind carrying on his life in a new and yet very fulfilling way!