Picture by Mustafa Kücük - v. Gruenewaldt from Pixabay. Well as I write this it seems like only yesterday that I was not taking the threat of the Coronavirus seriously. Perhaps this is due to...
Posts by Roma Bourke DC AMC MMAA
Irish Sport Horse Magazine #17 Well here we are again at another St. Patrick’s Day, however things are quite different this year. The recent Coronavirus outbreak has really put a stop to all...
Irish Sport Horse Magazine February 2020 #16 Well here we are February 2020 already, and Valentine’s Day just around the corner! We have a fantastic issue for you this time. In our health...
Does Your Horse Have Kissing Spines? The Symptoms, Causes and Treatments.
Kissing spines or overlapping of the dorsal spinous processes is quite a common cause of back pain in horses, this overlapping or rubbing causes pain and inflammation. This ailment is most common in...
Happy New Year; The Start of a New Decade in Irish Equestrian Sport. Well the 2010’s were an amazing decade for Irish Equestrian Sport, but now as we head into a New Year and a New Decade,...
Well I don’t know about you, but that year seemed to shoot by awfully fast! Here we are in December with Christmas just a hop skip and a jump away and Olympic Year just around the...