So your horse is polished and plaited to perfection, no equine could look better, but is your turn out letting your horse down? What can you do to improve your own turn out? It’s not all about spending cash on all the right gear, often the little things that make a difference and here are 5 little tips to help.

- Lock Down Those Locks; . Gentlemen should have a short neat style that will not flow out under their hat. Unless your hair is exceptionally short and won’t be seen, ladies should wear a hair net that matches their hair colour. If you have long hair that tends to escape then consider 2 nets to lock it in or put it in a bun first if your hat allows.
- Attaching your number, with the often supplied “string” can look untidy. Get your own piece that is the same colour as your jacket, a long shoe lace will do the job. This will tone in and makes for a more polished appearance. Keep it in your jacket pocket so it’s always handy. Don’t tie it too tight and thread the string in through the button hole of your jacket to hide the bow.

3. Trim that number. A big number can often fold and not sit neatly in the lower back. Take a pair of scissors and round off the corners to allow the card to sit neatly in the small of your back.
4. If wearing a shirt and tie make sure the collar fits your neck. Too big and it will gape open, too small and you will not be able to fasten the top button, or if you do you won’t be comfortable. If you are between collar sizes then move the button a little. Remember to tuck those shirt tails well in. If the waist band of your breeches is loose and won’t take a belt consider a pair of braces

5. Keep make up to a minimum, it’s the horse that is in the spot light. Ladies if you are pale with terror then a small application of blush is fine. Nothing looks worse that streaked make up due to a sudden down poor or over heated rider on a hot day. Gentlemen make sure you have a good shave; stubble in the show ring is not a good look. If you are sporting a beard then neat and tidy is the way to go.

Last Tip, Enjoy the Ride;-)
This Article was written by Jessica Soley BHSI and was originally published in the August 2019 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine.