As Equestrians we are no strangers to hitting the deck from time to time. However, while many falls are only sufficient to wound our pride; such as being thrown approaching a fairly simple fence to land in a puddle on your bottom, as you sit there bleary eyed looking up at your magnificent, noble steed, who almost seems to be sneering at you. I for one have had many of this type of fall and I can tell you, that while it may be a momentary embarrassment it doesn’t normally cause you to lose confidence.

That being said, there are those falls, the ones where we don’t seem to jump up so quickly. The falls in which we almost dance with death, the falls that cause us to have time off laying on our back in a hospital bed; or if not that bad, still leave us hurt and believing that we just had a very close call. With this type of fall, how do you overcome the most natural fear, of not wanting to get hurt again?
How do you regain your confidence in both you and your horse so that you can back to your normal Equestrian Pursuits?
I was asked this question recently when I shared the story of a Rotational Fall I had many moons ago in the USA, when I was riding the Retired Zaccio – Steeple Chaser of America 2 years running. Zaccio was about to embark on a hunting career with my boss. I was out with the Assistant Trainer schooling over some logs and cross country fences. Zaccio was jumping very well for me, when we met a little Chicken Coup on a perfect stride; Zaccio lifted one leg and forgot the other and we had a rotational fall.

Obviously we both survived, albeit a bit sore, and to the Assistant Trainers Amazement, who thought I was dead for sure, and the horse irreversibly injured, but by some miracle we were both intact! He gave me a leg up and we very slowly ambled back to the barn. Physically I may have been ok, but my confidence was not!
How did I get going?
Well the truth be told I got going slowly, but I had no choice I had to ride, it was part of my job, as was taking horses hunting the wonderful Pennsylvania Countryside. The Event Rider Bruce Davidson was the Hunt Master and the next day out I was well and truly trembling as he seemed to take us over the biggest fences. The Assistant Trainer organised for me to ride one of the best Jumpers Eriatsa, aka “Astaire” backwards. I had little choice, I was out hunting, trembling, feeling sick, but I had to jump 1.20m post and rails. Over the weeks it got easier, and when I returned home, I had my very special school master, my own Showjumper, Solara. It’s safe to say Solara would jump anything; I just had to hang on. So what did the experience teach me and how can this be of benefit to you? So here is my take on this experience and other horrible falls I have had the good grace to recover from and keep going. I share this now in the hope that it will help you regain your confidence and get back to your old Equestrian Antics.
5 Steps to Regain Your Confidence After a Fall.
1. Get Back on the Horse!!

As soon as you are able get back on the horse. If you are hurt you will have to take time off, but once you can, get back on, it doesn’t have to be the same horse; you can pick a quiet gentle steed and go for an amble with a friend, or take a private lesson with your trusted trainer. The important thing is to get going.
2. Keep Going!!

Once going, keep at it, every day if possible. When you are riding really get in the zone, notice how good it feels to be on the back of a horse again.
3. Make it Fun!!

Ride as much as you can, and if you get a chance to ride more than one horse a day, take it. Make every ride as enjoyable as possible, if you are out hacking listen to the birds singing; notice how blue the sky looks, and how good that horse smell is from atop a horse. Listen for snorts, chomps and whickers, that are often part of an amble in the countryside. Most importantly engage all your senses in the enjoyment of being back on a horse, this will add immeasurably to the fun and feel good factor that being back on a horse again is sure to deliver. In the early days, it’s about gaining your confidence and getting your fitness level back up to scratch, which happens much more rapidly when the experience is FUN!
4. Ask for Help!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling. Asking for help is strength not weakness, and seeking the help of a trusted coach so that you will achieve your goal more quickly, makes perfect sense. Choose a coach who will support you, one who will push you just enough to inspire you get going again and back on track to your ultimate equestrian goals.
5. Visualise to Materialise!!
This is so important, to use your mind to help you achieve your desired outcome. Many times we visualise all the bad stuff. This time I want you to visualise the Best Version of Your Equestrian Self. Before you go to sleep every night, I want you to visualise all the good stuff. Visualise you and your horse doing what you love to do and doing it well. The Key to Visualisation is to really feel it, and engage as many of your senses as possible. So before you nod off to sleep, take 3 deep, slow breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. On the third breath allow your eyes to close and relax. Now, just imagine you are on your horse riding along, really associate with the experience; imagine the feel of the horse moving, notice the sound of his breath and the noise his hooves make as they hit the ground. Imagine your surroundings, the sounds, the smells, the colours. Now this is your home movie, so make it amazing, bright, beautiful and full of all the best things. It’s your dream, so make every stride feel like poetry in motion, hear the compliments from your coach, and if you are jumping, get into the feeling of meeting every jump beautifully, see the jumps and feel like you are jumping your best round ever. Make it exciting, and make it fun, and more importantly make this wonderful, blockbuster movie the last thing that goes through your mind as you nod off to sleep. This movie in which you have the starring role will sink deep into your subconscious mind where the magic happens, and before you know it, you will be making your dream a reality.

Well they are my top 5 Steps for regaining your confidence following a fall. If you stick to them, I totally believe you will come back better and stronger than ever before. Remember to enjoy the journey and make every day count.
“This is your life, so don’t just sit on the Fence, Get up and Ride the Horse!”
This Article was originally published in the January 2021 Issue of Irish Sport Horse Magazine. Images are subject to Copyright.